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powering The MOB to Control their health & wellbeing




UP THE MOB [-o-]

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What is trimob

TRIMOB is a Mob powered organisation who centres community & culture and is igniting the fire in Mob to improve their health & wellbeing through swim, bike, run.

our Vision

Is to continuously breakdown barriers and create ongoing opportunities for Mob to be powered to swim, bike, run at all levels, from beginners to Mob representing at the highest level. Our longterm focus is to deliver programs that reach our Mob across Australia, whilst advocating and creating systemic changes with the National Sporting Organisations, the Australian Sports Commission, clubs and event delivers to ensure Mob are powered to participate. 

For The Mob - By The Mob - Up The MOb

We have developed and are delivering unique programs that break down barriers and create opportunities using strength based approaches that engage First Nations people to participate, compete and represent at all levels in the sport of triathlon. Our programs provide mentoring, coaching and support that promotes active lifestyles and connects First Nations people to country, creates positive communities and develops relationships between First Nations people and “cuzzins of the mob” (non-Indigenous Australians).

Our Programs include;

  • The IRONMOB Program

  • Mob2Mob Schools Program

  • Mob2Mob Community Projects

  • Mob The Marathon (Sydney Marathon Initiative)

Why we do it

The sport of triathlon has the power to change lives, however before TRIMOB existed it was rare to see First Nations people on a racecourse. TRIMOB is bringing deadliness to swim, bike & run and not only enhancing the sport but changing lives through their community led approaches and programs.

In Australia the health outcomes of First Nations people are not good enough, with a life expectancy of 10 years less than all Australians. The prevalence of preventable chronic diseases such as cardio vascular disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes is 2-3 higher in First Nations communities than the rest of Australia.

Mental health is a major issue in Australia. For First Nations people this issue is multiplied, in 2022, suicide accounted for 4.6% of all deaths of First Nations people while the comparable proportion for non-Indigenous Australians was 1.6%.

This is why we empower our people through the sport of triathlon:

-So that they are connected to community that celebrates being apart of the oldest living remaining culture in the world and enhances their self worth. -They are given the tools and opportunities to to engage in a sport and healthy lifestyle that decreases chronic diseases -They are supported to create an environment that promotes and improves their emotional wellbeing.

This is our dreaming


Water (Swim)

Power the Mob to improve their health & well-being

Country (Bike)

Increase the participation and retention of the Mob in swimming, cycling and running

Sky (Run)

Support more Australians to learn and connect with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures